Drug addiction treatment
Drug addiction treatment
For many people, drug use appears to be a harmless way to escape the stresses of everyday life. However, drugs become addictive faster than you might think. These leave its mark on the mental and physical health of a person and affect his social relationships. Those who experiment with drugs rarely realise that they could be drawn into a very dangerous addiction which will require a further struggle with it. If you suspect that you are one of these people, you are not in a hopeless situation. Millions of people, just like you, have sought for help and succeeded in overcoming addiction at the same time gained a happy, drug-free life.

What is drug addiction?
Drug addiction is basically an addiction to psychoactive substances which give intoxicating, euphoric and analgesic effects. We face it when the recreational use of a drug goes into the phase of addiction – the compulsion of taking it. Addiction is very insidious. Taking a narcotic substance leads to an increased release of dopamine in our nervous system. With the enhanced frequency of drug use, our body adapts to functioning in a different reality. The reaction of the substance to the body weakens, which results in a decrease in secretion of dopamine and minimalization of so-called “drug high”. This is exactly how tolerance to drugs is built. The addicts begin to take more and more drugs in order to achieve the same state of excitement. With time, the mechanisms that have taken place in patient’s body make it impossible for him to find pleasure in other things that used to bring him joy, such as: food, sex, hobbies, social meetings.
What are the signs of drug addiction?
- Extreme mood swings, irritability
- Changes in environment, activities and daily routine
- Engaging in risky behavior such as driving while under the influence of drugs
- Impaired memory
- Personality changes: lack of motivation
- Failure to stop taking drugs
- Denying the scale of the drug abuse problem
- Depressed at the prospect of not having access to drugs
- Withdrawal symptoms such as bloodshot eyes or a blocked and bloody nose
The foundations of successful drug addiction treatment are
- Understanding the scale of the addiction problem
- A team of specialists who are ready to oppose the problems that an addict encounters
- The ability to correctly diagnose the degree of addiction
- Recognize negative symptoms associated with stopping drug use

Drug addiction treatment at Zeus Rehab
We want to find out what are the primary environmental and social triggers that contributed to the development of drug addiction in you. Our mission is to break you free from the clutches of addiction and bring back harmony to your life.
During treatment, which takes place in the comfort of our luxurious residence, we recognize the causes and effects of addiction through a full 360-degree analysis of health. Then we treat your mind, body and soul.
- Comprehensive medical examinations
- Psychiatric evaluation
- Health assessment
- Assessment of the degree of addiction
- Extensive laboratory tests
- Nutrition assessment
- Lifestyle assessment
360-degree drug addiction treatment:
- Detoxification of the body
- Psychotherapy
- Biomolecular renewal
- Complementary therapies
- Spiritual advice
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- Drug detox, body detox
- Drug Therapy
- Post treatment support – maintaining drug abstinence
Drug detox is the first step in the drug addiction treatment. After long-term intake of narcotic substances, your body needs a comprehensive cleansing. Detoxification aims to repair the damage done to your body that has occurred after taking drugs and eliminate the symptoms of drug withdrawal syndrome. The detoxification process not only cleanses the body out of drugs, but also combats any physical and mental pain that comes with drug abstinence.
Drug detoxification in our clinic is carefully planned and coordinated by the in-house physician and psychiatrist, carefully assissted by our team of nurses who are available for you 24/7.
Drug therapy is the next step in the fight against addiction. After detoxification, you are already clean, you learn how to live in sobriety and you get to know how to resist the temptation to consume drugs. Drug addiction is often associated with the difficulties you had faced in your life even before you reached for the drug. Taking psychoactive substances is often combined with the desire to drown out one’s thoughts, forget about problems. During therapy, we search for the primary motives of addiction and try to bring the benefits of drug withdrawal closer.
The road to recovery is completely different for each patient, but the psychological balance and a sense of freedom achieved by eliminating drugs is one of the greatest successes you can achieve.
This is why at Zeus Rehab, after the end of treatment, we stay in touch and agree on a further plan for living in sobriety and maintaining mental health. After walking through the door of our clinic, you will never be left alone with your drug problem. If we gain your trust, you will become a member of our community – people who are happy, fulfilled and free from addictions.
- Opioids: Heroin, opium, compote and more fashionable syrups that can be seen in the music videos of foreign and Polish rappers: Lean Sizzurp, Stilpane, Wockhardt, Makatussin, Paicodeine, Toseina, Lean Purple Drank Diphergan, Thiocodin, Stilpane, Broncleer, Benylin. Codeine with Promethazine, as well as prescription medications: Morphine, Tramal, Codeine, Oxycodone, Hydrocodone (Vicodin), (Percocet, OxyContin), Buprenorphine, Oxydolor, Oxymorphone, Fentanyl, Methadone
- Stimulants: Cocaine, Amphetamine, Mephedrone, Methamphetamine
- Hallucinogens: Marijuana, LSD, Hashish, MDMA, Extasy
- Boosters: Mephedrone, Strongman, 4-MMC, 3MMC etc.