Opiate Addiction Treatment

Opioid addiction treatment can help you achieve long-term recovery.

Opiate Addiction Treatment

Endorphins are colloquially known as the happiness hormone. Our body secretes them while laughing, doing sports, eating sweet snacks. They can suppress the feeling of pain, improve the mood, introduce a state of excitement. Endorphins are endogenous opiates i.e. those that our body secretes spontaneously. Some people want to experience a multiplied release of endorphins and achieve an intensified state of euphoria. For this purpose, they reach for opiates – a group of narcotics with the greatest addictive potential.
Opioids are narcotic substances that bind to opioid receptors in the brain to relieve pain. It should be noted that opiates have a very strong euphoric effect, which in a short time leads to addiction.
Opioids include a group of illicit drugs such as: Heroin, opium, compote, as well as prescription drugs: Morphine, Codeine, Hydrocodone (Vicodin), Tramal, Oxycodone (Percocet, OxyContin), Oxydolor, Oxymorphone, Fentanyl, Methadone, Buprenorphine, Lean Sizzurp, Wockhardt, Paicodeine, Toseina, Diphergan, Makatussin, Thiocodin, Stilpane, Broncleer, Benylin, Lean Purple Drank, Codeine Promethazine.
In some cases, taking opiates prescribed by a doctor is helpful in the treatment of certain conditions. However, the use of opiates is always associated with the risk of many side effects.

Short-term opiate use is associated with onset

Long-term opiate use is characterized by

How does opiate addiction work?

Opiates have a very high addictive potential because they stimulate opioid receptors and the reward system in the brain, and also increase the release of endorphins. This creates a feeling of well-being, and when the effects of opiates wear off, there is an indescribable urge to reintroduce yourself to a blissful and euphoric state – this is how addiction is created

mentally from opiates. As opioid use multiplies, physical dependence develops. Opioids are incorporated into human metabolic processes. The structure of the brain changes, and the body demands more doses of the drug. When trying to stop taking opiates, the opioid withdrawal syndrome occurs, which is associated with a number of very unpleasant symptoms, some of which are dangerous to health and life.

The main reason why people are unable to get off opiates is because they are unable to cope with their withdrawal symptoms.
Opiate withdrawal symptoms
The greatest risk of opiate addiction is the risk of overdosing. Overdose deaths are related to the effects of opioids on the respiratory system.
The risk of an opiate overdose is increased by factors such as
The symptoms of an opioid overdose are characterized by:

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What are the signs of opiate addiction?

Opioid addiction treatment at Zeus Rehab

Quitting opiates on your own is an extremely difficult task. During our many years of work with opiate-dependent patients, we have observed that only less than 5% of them are able to recover from the addiction on their own. It should be noted that opiate craving is extremely strong and withdrawal symptoms can be so intense that medical help and therapeutic support is a very important starting point for a new life.

Zeus Rehab is the leading center for the treatment of opiate addiction in Europe (EU). We have extensive experience in working with patients addicted to opiates. We provide patients with care at all levels of treatment from withdrawal, through psychotherapeutic support, to motivation after the end of treatment. We conduct treatment in the privacy of our exclusive residence and luxurious surroundings.

Our individualized treatment program for opiate addiction is the result of many years of our work and observation of opiate addiction. Each of our patients receives a personalized treatment plan based on their personal needs.

The opiate addiction treatment program at Zeus Rehab includes:

  • prevalence of opiate abuse,
  • type of opiate used,
  • health,
  • how to take opiates,
  • use of other intoxicants,
  • comorbid diseases.

Zeus Rehab divides the treatment of opiate addiction into 4 stages:

  1. Opioid detox

Opiate detoxification is aimed at cleansing the body and getting rid of the symptoms of opiate withdrawal such as: pains, twists, uncontrollable need to take an opioid with the least possible discomfort to the patient. Opiate detox is the first step in breaking your mental and physical addiction to opiates.

At Zeus Rehab, opiate detox is carried out in exclusive conditions under the supervision of an experienced physician and under 24/7 nursing supervision. Depending on the degree of addiction, the patient’s personal predispositions and the type of opiate used, full opioid detoxification lasts from 10 to 14 days.

  1. Implementation of the opiate blocker Naltrexone – a drug insert

Naltrexone Pellet is an opioid receptor blocker. The implementation of Naltrexone allows you to maintain complete abstinence from opiates. Naltrexone eliminates the feeling of drug craving, and in the case of taking opiates, it eliminates their euphoric effect. The drug insertion procedure is performed by our experienced doctor. The procedure is painless and performed under local anesthesia.

  1. Opioid addiction therapy

Patients who remain abstinent from opiates are referred for inpatient or outpatient therapy in our clinic. During this time, we learn the mechanisms and causes that influenced the development of opiate addiction. We teach the patient how to deal with the temptations of taking a drug and how to find oneself in a new, sober reality. In our practice, we use a 360-degree therapeutic approach. We improve the mind, body and soul.

  1. Care after treatment

Post-treatment support is designed to prevent relapse into opioid use. Anyone who undertakes the treatment of opiate addiction at Zeus Rehab becomes part of our community and can always count on our full support.


We invite you to our residence, where you will feel extremely safe and comfortable, and our staff will take care of your peace and anonymity.